Intel NUC

 0,00 for WdKA- and PZI-students

The Intel NUC is a barebone Windows computer. You need a screen, mouse and keyboard to configure it, but then it runs on its own. You can compare it to the Windows version of a Mac mini. Compared to a Raspberry Pi, the NUC is more powerful and can be useful if you need a Windows machine because your project/software cannot run on Linux (the operating system on the Raspberry Pi). Possible use cases: you made a TouchDesigner project and want to show it but cannot run it on your laptop for a variety of reasons. You made an interactive environment in a game engine (e.g. Unity) and your own laptop isn’t powerful enough to run it. Or maybe you need an additional computer in an installation or more flexibility as to how and where you can present your project for an assessment.

Before you can rent a NUC at the rental, visit the Interaction Station (WH02.121) to understand the possibilities and get assistance installing your project. The station instructors can then put you on a pre-approved list that allows you to reserve the NUC with rental.

Pick-up Date
Drop-off Date